Thursday, February 7, 2008

Will the Real Abe Lincoln Please Stand Up

For my latest Wordless Wednesday entry, I posted a photo of living historian James Getty portraying Abraham Lincoln. Being a photographer/artist I have times when I'm not happy with my work. In this case, I had to shoot through a crowd, that and the photo just didn't look old. I wanted old, something along the lines of my Great-great Uncle Henry way back in 1910 or 1911.

This the original photo of Mr. Getty, taken in 2003 in the chapel of Gettysburg College. Notice the young Mr. Lincoln on the right.

To create the image I wanted, I cropped the photo down using Photoshop. Next, using the cloning tool, I took out the folded program the elderly man on the left was holding. Next I took the color out of the photo then started playing around with the tone. I added a little yellow, a little red, and another dash of yellow. But after an hour, I still couldn't find the look I wanted. That's when I reached for the phone and called number 1 son, a.k.a., Skippy.

Say hello, to Skippy. Aside from being my oldest, he's a graphic artist. So, I says 'help' and he says 'e-mail me the original image.

Two days later, Skippy sends me the finished product. At first I thought he went a little overboard with the yellow. But, over time, the image has grown on me. I think he did a fantastic job. Now, if he only lived close, he could give me lessons in Photoshop.

Thank you son, er uh, Skippy. By the way, folks, did I mention he's single and has his own place? I didn't? Well he is. Want his phone number? Give me a shout. Serious inquiries only.

P.S. Check back next Wednesday. I'll be doing something special for Wordless Wednesday. Until then...see you in the funny papers.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Quite clever....Skippy is very talented!